The historic Penitentiary Center La Model, closed since the beginning of June, organizes concerted and free visits for all citizens who want to know how this well-known prison in the center of Barcelona works. The visit is formulated as an experience and as a route of knowledge and learning. It is made in groups on a preconceptional itinerary.

Some of the emblematic elements of the prison can be seen, such as: the courtyard, the gateway and the access corridor; the panoptic; the 4th gallery, one of which has remained the most faithful to the original project, the patio of the 4th gallery, the showroom and the parcel shop.

You can also visit the exhibition «13 Histories of the Model», located in the 5th gallery. The exhibition presents 13 moments and 13 people or emblematic collectives in the history of the prison and its link to the history of the city and the country. Each one is associated with a date and context or theme, for example, the President Companys, Ferrer i Guàrdia, Puig Antich or Vaquilla.

Open to the public from July 3 to December 26 (Monday to Sunday), from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.